Helix Editor
Chapter 3 Recap
Type w to select forward until the next word.
- Type e to select to the end of the current word.
- Type b to select backward to the start of the current word.
- Use uppercase counterparts, W,E,B, to traverse WORDS.
Type d to delete the entire selection.
- Type c to delete the selection and enter Insert mode.
Type a number before a motion to repeat it that many times.
Type v to enter Select mode, where all motions extend the selection.
Type x to select the entire current line. Type x again to select the next line.
Type semicolon ( ; ) to collapse selection.
Undo / Copy / Search
Chapter 4 Recap
Type u to undo. Type U to redo.
Type y to yank (copy) text and p to paste.
- Use Space + y and Space + p to yank / paste on the system clipboard.
Type / to search forward in file, and ? to search backwards.
- Use n and N to cycle through search matches.
Multi Cursor
Chapter 5 Recap
Type C to duplicate the cursor to the next suitable line and Alt-C for previous suitable line.
Type s to select all instances of a regex pattern inside the current selection.
Type & to align selections.
Type Alt-s to split the selection into lines.
Selection with Search / Replace
Chapter 6 Recap
Type f / F to extend selection up to & including a character.
- Type t / T to extend selection until a character.
Type r to replace selected characters.
Type . to repeat the last insertion.
- Type Alt-. to repeat the last f / t selection.
Advanced Manipulation
Chapter 7 Recap
Type R to replace the selection with yanked text.
Type J to join lines in selection.
Type < and > to indent / outdent lines.
Type Ctrl-a to increment the selected number.
- Type Ctrl-x to decrement the selected number.
Chapter 9 Recap
Type * to set the search register to the primary selection.
Type n / N in Visual mode to add selections on each search match.
Type Ctrl-s to save position to the jumplist.
- Type Ctrl-i and Ctrl-o to go forward and backward in the jumplist.
Manipulating Selections
Chapter 10 Recap
Use ) and ( to cycle the primary selection back and forward through selections respectively.
- Type Alt-, to remove the primary selection.
Type ~ to alternate case of selected letters.
- Use
and Alt-
to set the case of selected letters to upper and lower respectively.
- Use
Type S to split selections on regex.
Troubleshooting Gnome Alt+` backtick
You can set only Super+` for App switch.
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-group "['<Super>Above_Tab']"